Our Beliefs.

  • The Bible can not mean one thing to you and another to me. God did not fail at revealing himself in his word. The Bible is meant to be known. Thus, it is important for a church to clearly articulate what it believes and what it doesn’t, and to confess these things (on paper) so there is little confusion. These are the confessions we affirm at FBCC.

  • The Baptist Faith and Message 2000

    We affirm the BFM2000, which can be found below. This was really written as a consensus document, which is why we also affirm the more detailed and specific LBCF.

  • The 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith

    In addition to the BFM2000, we also affirm the 1689 LBCF (sub), which can be read below. The LBCF illustrates a more detailed and robust confession, while in no way contradicting the BFM2000.